
ryan muldoon

Ryan was born and raised in the backwoods of New York City to be a simple hobbit fisherman. While living there he found a love of all things weird and a serious passion for making art. He began his tattooing career at a small shop in Queens, NY in 2011. As a young man, he became disenchanted with his surroundings and was soon drawn to the bright lights and glamorous nature of Easthampton, MA where he could hone his skills at the lost art of opossum hugging. In 2016 he seized the opportunity to join the talented crew at Off the Map Tattoo NE, and is now a resident tattooer at Oxbow Tattoo. He is looking to expand his understanding of art and enjoy all that life has to offer.

Tattoo Style: New School, Illustrative, Custom Lettering

Favorite Things To Tattoo: Lady Faces, Skulls, Flowers, Mythology, Food, Animals (Especially Wolves, Gorillas, Large Cats, Octopi, Amphibians, Bugs, Fish), Custom Lettering

